17 th September – Baiona (Bayona)

by | Sep 17, 2014 | Voyage Logs

I didn’t manage to get ashore yesterday in the end. After rain overnight and early morning it later cleared and was a bright and sunny. Blowing old boots mind. I decided to put off a trip ashore until the shops re-opened in the afternoon around 5. However no sooner than I had inflated the dinghy then the heavens opened and the wind was howling, going ashore did not look an attractive prospect at all.

It seems this low has decided to pay us a visit. The barometer has dropped from 1021 millibars, where it has been hovering for days to 1009. Nothing for it but to hunker down and put our trust in the Mason Supreme.

Indeed it blew and rained all night and the mist/rain clouds were down shrouding the hills around the town and across the ria. Even in these conditions it is a lovely spot. Out to the north west you can see the rugged Illas Cies, to the north the headland of Monte Ferro, across the bay the town and beaches of Panxon. There is Baiona itself the houses climbing up the wooded hillside and there is the medieval walls of the Parador Conde do Gondamor on the headland.

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