21st & 22nd Oct Rabat

by | Oct 22, 2014 | Voyage Logs

fishing boats

fishing boats

Ferry boats

Ferry boats

Kasbah des Oudaya

Kasbah des Oudaya


street in Kasbah des Oudayas

street in Kasbah des Oudayas

painted door

painted door

21st Oct – Rabat

Sea Bear, when I bought her, came with a roll of canvas fabric labelled sunshade. Time to dig it out of the locker and figure out how to rig it. It provided shade in the cockpit and also kept the rest of the boat a little cooler. The marina is on the Sale side of the river, part of a big new development of apartments so later we walked down to the river and took a ferry boat across to the Rabat side. These are wooden rowing boats which they row facing forwards and standing up and ferry glide across the current in the river. In Rabat we went into the Medina and found a little place with tagines on a hot plate outside. Tagines are a traditional Moroccan shallow earthen ware dish with a pointy lid in which are cooked vegetables, onions, tomatoes, olives and potatoes eaten with bread. Very filling, very simple very tasty. Medinas all round are a bit of a sensory overload , so much going on, so much to hear and see. Clothes stalls, stalls of olives, stalls of spices, colours and smells . Emerging much later we were by the grave yard which lies between the city and the sea -its vast. We then found our way to the Kasbah des Oudayas a truly delightful walled community and the part that so impressed on our entrance yesterday. Lots of narrow winding street or alleys painted blue lower down and white higher with pots of plants. Descending to sea level we were at the beach, there seemed quite a lively surf scene. More mint tea was taken looking out over the beach. We passed back through the Kasbah, exploring a little more and then eventually took a ferry boat back to the the Sale side and so back to the boat. A fascinating day with the promise of yet more to explore and see tomorrow. 22nd Oct – Rabat Another day of exploring and sightseeing which was also good but once again it is time to move on. I had always had it in mind to arrive in the Canaries by the end of October. We plan to set off tomorrow for the Canary Islands all being well. It is 450 or so miles to the tip of the nearest northern most island , La Graciosa, so it should take from 5 to 8 days depending on the winds

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