A sailing blog about a skipper and his yacht

24th Nov – Arrecife to Gran Tarajal, Fuerteventura

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Voyage Logs



Eventually got away from Arrecife. Had a number of days of strong winds and rain, at times torrential. It even flooded some of the towns streets.
Leaving the pontoon was tricky with a tail and cross wind, but managed OK. Outside the harbour set a course for Fuerteventura, downwind sail ing was this so just the yankee and the staysail set and din’t bother with the main. I also reckoned it would be easier as I was passing through one of the noted wind acceleration zones where the winds are reported to go from 15 to 30 knots in an instant. It was a cloudy day but passed without event. Thought I might put into Puerto del Castillo for the night but off here the sun was about to set, a night approach not recommended so I carried on. There were very few lights ashore on the next stretch of coast, Fuerteventura is indeed a wild and rugged looking island. I rounded the Light on Punta de la Enstallada and it was then only 6 miles to Gran Tarajal. Here I anchored in the bay to the east of the breakwater. 55 n miles run, quite pleased with my progress.

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