26th Nov – Puertito to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Voyage Logs | 4 comments

First light saw us away. The surf was most impressive breaking over the reefs and outlying rock off Punta Jandia. A wide berth was given and the course set for Gran Canaria.
Unfortunately with a NW wind it was a hard beat instead of a reach. Clear of the lee of the island there was quite a sea. In the afternoon the wind increased and we had 24 – 25 knots increasing to 30 knots at times. It was a struggle to hold the desired course. The stowage in the cabin was let us say re-arranged. Items which had happily remained in there place for 3 or so months, now decided to move, mostly to the cabin floor.
Eventually with the wind right on the nose the last miles were motored. It rained intermitantly as well. Safely within Las Pamas harbour we anchored amidst other boats at anchor.

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