29th Oct to 3rd Nov – Isla Graciosa

by | Nov 5, 2014 | Voyage Logs

“When you land on Graciosa you take off your shoes and forget the world”

After anchoring and after lunch it was time to inflate the dinghy and row ashore, landing on a small beach. A short walk along a beach backed by volcanic rocks and desert shrubland took us into the small village of whitewashed single story houses where the streets were just sand and had a coffee at a little harbour front cafe. We later walked to Playa Francesa, another beautiful bay and anchorage.
Next morning we dinghied into the harbour and spoke with Pedro the “diretor do porto” who said yes the marina was full but after more talk ah well you can berth either there or there or there! So we moved Sea Bear into the harbour alongside a pontoon, this time we were on the security official’s list. This was better as we had discovered yesterday that the beach where we had landed yesterday was tricky to leave, being fringed with reefs and I had to launch the dinghy in a shallow lagoon then row out through a small gap, thankful that the waves were not bigger.
There are no paved roads on the island, just dirt tracks. Some mountain bikes were hired and a circuit of the northern part of the island undertaken. A visit to the beautiful Playa de Las Conchos, a walk up Montana Bermeja, the village of Pedro Barber visited and a swim in the bay there. One eve we dined ashore on Octopus, sardines and mushrooms with a bottle of wine from Lanzarotte – delicious.
Days passed, the island is touched by tourism but only very lightly, it is so laid back, such a relaxing place, a visit there is highly recommend by me.

Playa de las Conchas

Playa de las Conchas

Mt Bermeja

Mt Bermeja

Caleta del Sebo

Caleta del Sebo

Caleto del Sebo

Caleto del Sebo

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