6th & 7th Dec – Pasito Blanco to San Sebastian de la Gomera

by | Dec 7, 2014 | Voyage Logs | 1 comment

Away bright and early but hardly any wind and then none so on with the engine to motor past the cement factory imaginatively named Puerto Cementero. Here we could alter course, bound for the southern tip of Tenerife and we had some wind, a gentle SW’erly. Before long that deserted us by white horse approach from the north announced a North Easterly blow. It blew hard all afternoon and most all night with a long period of a sustained 30 knots and peaks of 35. Down to just the staysail and with big breaking seas it wasn’t really too much fun. We did have a wonderful view of the snow tipped Teide above the clouds and later a big full and bright moon.
Once under the lee of Tenerife , the sea was not so rough and the wind abated and we could see the lights of La Gomera. Just before dawn, calm, just like someone had switched the fan off. The wind returned fitfully later. As we approached La Gomera we could see what a beautiful and rugged island it is.
Eventually just after midday we rounded the big breakwater of San Sebastian harbour and thence into the marina for a berth. It looks like this place will be the perfect antidote to Las Palmas.

Approaching San Sebastian de La Gomera

Approaching San Sebastian de La Gomera

San Sebastian Harbour

San Sebastian Harbour

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