It don’t feel like Summer

by | Jul 2, 2013 | Voyage Logs

I was determined to get to the boat this weekend , the last 2 weekends weather having been so bad.
It started raining when I arrived at the slip on Friday. Launched the dinghy, started the outboard but no drive – sheer pin had gone. The carefully sorted outboard fix kit was on the boat though. Ok so I row out to the boat, in the rain against wind and tide. Poor vis and rain rest of day so I stayed on the mooring.
Saturday HW was early so I caught a halftide and went to Moelfre, with lots of tacking across Red Wharf bay against a W wind. Here I anchored for lunch before continuing on to Porth Wen, more commonly known as Brickworks Bay from the old brickworks there. It is a lovely spot and I had the anchorage to myself.

Brickworks, Porth wen

Sunday morning and the wind had picked up SW 4-5 v W and increasing 6-7 for a time they said. I think they meant all day. It certainly felt strong as I struggled to haul in the anchor. Back to the Straits under yankee alone. Past Point Lynas and then across Red Wharf Bay was a nasty sea, short steep waves close packed. The wind was picking up a notch or two. Through Puffin Sound was horrendous, I have never seen or experienced it so bad. I don’t know whether it made me feel better or worse watching another yacht following me in, launching skywards from the crest of the standing waves and crashing down in a welter of spray. I wished I could have left the tiller to grab a camera. Eventually I was back at the mooring but it took several attempts to pick it up. It had not been a particularly pleasant days sailing. It don’t feel like Summer.

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