A sailing blog about a skipper and his yacht

Panama 28th Dec 2016

by | Dec 29, 2016 | Voyage Logs

I have been back here In Panama for about 2 weeks. The “black pig” my travel bag somehow didn’t fly with me on the last stretch from Mexico City to Panama so this was worrying for a few days until it finally turned up. Arriving here the temperatures was in the 30’s, a bit of a shock after cold England it it took me a few days to get acclimatized but nevertheless great to just pull a pair of shorts and a vest on and have done with it.
Sea Bear was fine though hot as an oven from being shut up for so long.

Sea Bear at Shelter Bay

So began the task of fitting out, slow going in the heat and a few problems arose. One a crack in the heel of the keel which had to be ground out and repaired. Turns out a few Vancouver 28 have suffered this fault, the two part s are just glued together and not bonded over with glass fibre. Fortunately my crack turned out to be just a surface crack so no water ingress in the moulding.

Shelter Bay marina

The boat yard here is surrounded by jungle.On Christmas day I had a short walk, I didnt see any jaguars, sloths or toucans but did see Nasua Narica, a monkey, Great Kisadees, Tropical King bird, hummingbirds, Greater Ani and Vultures, beautiful in flight but ugly and awkward on the ground.
Hoping to relaunch in a few more days.

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